“Unrequited Love,” is a poem about the guilt that comes with having someone love you so much, give their time and effort to you, but still not being able to reciprocate that love back, no matter how beautiful, the love they promise to give you. It also delves into the kind of love that you’d normally seek, a love full of passion and promise, one that fills your soul and arouses your core. Towards the end, it compares the love that they offer, to one that you’ve found; however, the latter does not have the passion of the former despite the fact, that this is a love that you could learn to love, so you neither pursue it. “Unrequited Love,” is a poem delving more into the persona, despite the title, as opposed to the actual potential lovers surrounding the story. It delves into his guilt, and tries to use this as a way of explaining why he can never return the love that these two potential lovers have towards him. Though it does not fully explain the why, it attempts to address this through unsaid words and cross referencing of these two lovers.


You’ve been on my mind lately,
Not in the way a lover would,
But more of like an acquaintance I feel sorry for,
Out of guilt and sorrow,

I wish I loved you,
As much as you love me,
Maybe I would be happier,
And feel less sad every time you profess your love for me,

You do everything right,
You show me a love so deep;
I would gladly drown in your arms;
But I never really do,

Every single time I look into your eyes,
I see all the promises you’ve silently made to me,
I see the devotion you are willing to give,
But for some reason, it’s never enough to have me love you back,

I inwardly loathe the fact,
That you are not her;
She shows me love,
But not with the kind of passion you do,
So, with her, I would rather we were just friends,

But as it is,
I could never love you as much as I have tried with her,
She had my heart when I was lost,
And I’ve found pieces of her I’ve loved since then,
Even though we could never be more than friends.

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