“Part of Now,” is a poem on the need to grow and thrive; but also, on the need to really understand yourself, and everything that makes you, you. It involves seeking your own identity, and it evolves from a point where you feel you’ve been broken, but now need to heal yourself and become a better you; because at the end of the day, no one will really do it for you.

I think a lot of people, see bits of themselves and behaviors that they have, that they don’t like, and allow them to continue, because changing and working on yourself, is a lot harder, than rectifying old ways and developing new habits.

But it can be done, and this is a reminder that you will be okay; you will grow and evolve, however slow the process is.


When we took on this name;
It was our attempt to define this new period,
Of our lives;
And all that it represented;

I went seeking my why;
And everything brought me here;
To this space;
Where some form of clarity and purpose was found;

I wanted to understand myself;
I needed to understand myself;
We needed to heal from our traumas;
We needed to have a relationship with ourselves;

In this new period I was getting into;
I needed to work on myself;
Understand why I am the way I am;
And work towards correcting the bits of me that needed correction;

A lot of us moved naive to ourselves;
Accepting our faults,
As if they were cast in stone;
And believing that, this would always be us;

To live boldly;
To level up;
To find the courage to seek love again;
This is part of what this represented.

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