“Chase Me, or Not at All,” is a lot about feeling all the emotions you once denied yourself the chance to really feel. The pain; the hurt; the hope; the memories; all of it.

It’s not really a floodgate of feelings; but a process of seeking out each emotion, to better understand it; and approach it appropriately.


I somehow hope you understand,
That me ghosting,
And us going no contact;
Wasn’t a rejection of you;
It wasn’t me putting you in the past;

It’s just that,
With you,
I was never really sure,
Of how much I meant to you,
Nor where I stood with you;

And that had me,
In a very indecisive place;
I was chasing dreams,
We don’t want to outrightly put out nor name;
Lest we jinx them;

If anything;
When we stopped talking,
I realized that I was in love with you;
And if anything;
I would still do this whole life thing with you all over again,

I would still want to get to know you;
And have our intimate moments together;
Still have our shared nickname,
And still think about you;
Every night before I go to sleep;

I have a whole collection coming out;
With traces of your aura,
And all that you meant to me;
I finally submitted to all that I felt for you,

If we do get a second chance,
And we somehow fall back into each other’s arms,
It won’t be because I came looking for you;
I want you to seek me out;
Show me you love me, as we seek our own form of balance.

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