“To Know Thyself,” is a piece about wanting to come back into yourself and grow further from the being that you are morphing into.

It looks at the journey that has led to this point in time; touching on the traumas that might have developed, as well as understanding what needs to be done moving forward.

Life is seldom cast in stone, and this is a lot of what this piece reflects; we might have a couple of ideas well developed; but we will always let life surprise us in whichever way it may.


There had always been someone,
Someone we cared deeply about,
Maybe even was in love with,
And that was a lot of how we lived;

We lived by giving love to others;
And being committed to someone;
It made life feel special,
Because we loved, love;

But the heartbreaks that came,
When things didn’t work out;
Often left us without pieces of ourselves;
That we gave to our once special human;

For a while,
I wanted to not seek love anymore,
Because I was scared of feeling the depths,
Of pain and heartbreak again,

But after allowing myself,
To heal from the loss of us,
And what we could have been,
I realized that I barely knew me,

I also realized,
That I barely loved myself;
The love I easily gave away,
Was barely directed inwards;

This might not make sense to you,
But it makes sense to me;
Because these are my thoughts on paper,
This is how I found clarity;

I made a promise to myself;
To love me first,
To commit to myself first, before I do others;
It might seem selfish, but this is how I come into myself;

And maybe we will stay away from love for a while;
Maybe it will creep on us through coffee dates,
With someone new,
In a random part of this city,

But whichever way it comes,
It will find us in love with ourselves first;
It will find us secure with our attachment style,
It will find us having known thyself.

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