“Nothing Was The Same,” is a piece about what remains after grieving and letting go of those who broke you. It’s about coming up for air after so long and realizing that everything has changed, including yourself and everything that you once put sentiment to. It’s about realizing that healing leaves you different from all versions of your previous self.


The pain and hurting stops;
And all that remains;
Are versions of ourselves,
That we barely recognize;

In our attempt at healing;
We idealized previous versions of ourselves;
That we thought we lost;
And wanted to come back to;
And that we went seeking;

But in healing;
All that now remains;
Are versions of ourselves;
That we barely recognize;
And slowly struggle to understand;

And in a way,
Maybe this is healing;
This is coming out of the storm;
And realizing that the tides have changed;
Nothing really is the same;

So, we slowly let go of the past,
And all that it represented;
We try to overlook all the sentiment;
That that past held;
And now we learn the process of steady goodbyes;

Goodbyes to that past;
Goodbyes to all that came of it;
Goodbyes to our pain and once trauma;
Goodbyes to those versions of ourselves;
Goodbyes to the sentiment.

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