“I know what it was like for me; having a friend to your soul; it was beautiful, and I liked every moment of it.” This is bits of what it meant to have you in my life, and I would do it over and over again, countless times, across different lifetimes.


I can’t imagine a present without you;
Because you were here,
When I needed you;

A whole bunch of sentimental memories;
That will always be intertwined with you;
I found a version of beauty with you;

Now writing about this,
Carries its own weight,
We were here, we loved and experienced this;

A whole lot of poems,
A whole lot of words,
We all mean the same thing;

But in a way,
You will always have me;
There are bits of me that you will only ever have access to;

And I am okay with that;
You having bits of me that will uniquely belong to you;
We had our time and it was beautiful.

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