“My Once Special Person, is a piece that addresses old hurt, and why it took so long to really heal and deal, with that hurt that came from loving someone, who you gave special bits of yourself to. It looks at some of the causes of the anger that remained, and the hurt that was caused, because we attempted to love, and love deeply. It’s a piece about finding some grace, after letting go of someone who was once your special person, and to whom you gave so much of yourself to, and once was in love with; with your entire being.”


It took days, weeks and months,
To get over you;
You broke me in places and depths,
That only you could;
And, this came from my attempt at loving you,
And giving bits of myself to you;

It took me months and a year,
To finally address all the hurt that you left me with;
This hurt carried itself with me,
And left deep rooted scars,
That only the woman who came after you,
Really began to heal;

And what hurt me the most after you;
Was your betrayal;
And I avoided writing about you until now,
Because you became dead to me after;
And despite the fact that I still held some emotions towards you;
I wanted to move on from you with nonchalance;

I will never claim that what we had,
And what we shared,
Wasn’t beautiful;
But even beautiful things are forgotten;
Just as I have put you in a place in my past,
That I don’t want to keep revisiting;

There are many things I have mourned,
After that period of our lives,
And me losing someone close,
And an intimate friend,
Are some of things I have struggled to forgive you for,
Because you took that away from me;

I often wondered how our story will be told;
And what will become of the feelings that we once shared,
And some of it was addressed in “To Heal A Broken Heart,”
But what I know for sure,
Is that you are part of a past;
That we will never struggle to bring back;

And now, as we move and heal,
We have found grace in some battles;
And let go of all that hurt;
And despite the fact that there are times I wish we never became,
What we became;
I will always hold some civility towards you,
Because you were once my special person.

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