“Stages of Grief: Acceptance, is a piece I wrote a while back when my Dani died. It’s a piece that tries to dissociate from the pain of grieving, through appreciating some of the fond memories that defined parts of our relationship. It’s a small tribute to the woman I called my grandma.”


I guess in grieving;
You get to a point where,
You try and push away the pain;
And try and appreciate the being of the one you lost;

I am trying my best to dissociate from the grieving process;
I don’t deal well with grief;
But we are trying to plunge our thoughts;
In all that you were;

And you did live a full life;
You kept everyone together;
All your grandchildren had a personal relationship with you;
Moments we will always cherish until we meet again;

One of my fondest,
Long-standing memories of Dani;
Was how we would always come home to the bay by the lake;
And before we talked or even had small talk;

We’d d start our engagement with prayer;
And I would be lying to myself if I claimed your prayers didn’t keep us safe;
They did keep me safe;
And now without you I feel extremely exposed;

Grieving is extremely personal;
And I don’t like how I am making my perception of you,
About me;
But I will always love you, and as long we still keep the push;

I will try my best to try and be nyakwari;
Doing what you’d want me to do for myself;
And doing my best;
While not letting myself fall into mediocrity.

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